I love all live baseball experiences; I am a baseball junkie. Sometimes I crave the bright lights and mystique of The Show, but other times, thrift and the charm of minor league ball finds me at a Kane County Cougars game. Last night was one of those nights.
Sometimes A-ball pitchers bounce their fastballs. This is the one part of A-ball that irks my inner-baseball snob. Cougars games, though, offer good beer at a reasonable price, and when my inner-beer snob is happy, the baseball snob will usually keep quiet. Here's a little chart I made summarizing the pros and cons of three local live baseball options:
I generally don't like my amber-colored beers sweet, but Domaine DuPage is still a pretty decent beer. The aroma mostly matches the flavor--syrupy sweet, nutty, toasty, and a little musty. There's also a little whiff of something tart and fruity, like apple or cherry. It's a good after-dinner beer--something you can savor without being too heavy.
Grade: S, for savoy. It's not really my bag, but if sweet and toasty sounds good to you, it may be yours. Either way, it's the best beer I'd had at a stadium since... the last time I went to a Cougars game.
Ebel's Weiss is straightforward hefeweizen. I could've sworn I was drinking a Hacker-Pschorr. Think banana pancakes, with a touch of citrus bitterness at the finish. Also some coriander or cardamom--not sure which because I always get the two crossed up.
Grade: P, for prototypical. It's nothing new, but it won't disappoint. An ideal second pint, especially in summer.
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